Friday, December 18, 2020

VII - False Prophet?

The others seem to be taken in by this trickstress and her street corner hustle. I am unwilling to abandon sense to the idea that our futures are cast by some drawing of cards. It also challenges credulity that we have all been drawn here to play some game or other at the behest of some entity that gets its pleasures from producing vague hints to suspiciously powerful artefacts with the capability to be his undoing. Why would such an entity not have rid the land of these items rather than risk their own destruction?

However, what I have seen of this land suggests I would do well to remain with the group for our mutual protection. Perhaps in time there will come a greater understanding of the game we are being forced to play. But for now we journey onwards towards Barovia village.

We are taken by wagon on the road to Barovia. And dropped off within walking distance of the village as the Vistani are not particularly welcome. They warn us cryptically not to worry about the ravens. Why is it no one can talk in straight sentences?

Not far along the road we encounter a dead body lying to the side of the road. In the trees around it are a number of ravens. The body has a letter from the Burgomaster of Barovia. 

Hail thee of might and valor:

I, the Burgomaster of Barovia, send you honor—with despair.

My adopted daughter, the fair Ireena Kolyana, has been these past nights bitten by a vampyr. For over four hundred years, this creature has drained the life blood of my people. Now, my dear Ireena languishes and dies from an unholy wound caused by this vile beast. He has become too powerful to conquer.

So I say to you, give us up for dead and encircle this land with the symbols of good. Let holy men call upon their power that the devil may be contained within the walls of weeping Barovia. Leave our sorrows to our graves, and save the world from this evil fate of ours.

There is much wealth entrapped in this community. Return for your reward after we are all departed for a better life.

Kolyan Indirovich


Not knowing how this culture treat their dead we decide to carry the body back to Barovia for correct burial or cremation.

The Welcoming Vista of Barovia

As we reach the village we meet a far too delightful old lady selling pies at the extortionate price of one whole gold piece each! The others all buy a pie, I decline. The seller admits on questioning that the pies are imbued with magic that can impart peaceful dreams. The fact that the pies are laced with narcotics only seems to make the others more keen! 

We enter the local tavern. The barman either finished bottom of his class in customer service, or he is one of the soulless Barovians. Even telling the barman we found a dead body on the road and want to know where to take it for burial gets no response.

We meet a man called Ismark Indirovich - the burgomaster. His father the Burgomaster has recently died. Ismark confirms that the letter was not written by his father, it is a forgery. Comparing the letter to Strahd's letter from the Death House - They match!

Ismark tells us a story about a haunted house that seems to appear when strangers have come to Barovia - It seems this is the house of Death that I first encountered in this accursed land.

Ismark's sister Ireena is indeed ill having been bitten by Strahd. But no one knows why. His house has been under attack by wolves and other creatures every night for two weeks since Strahd bit Ireena - the stress is what caused his Father's heart attack. Somehow we volunteer for hole digging and cadaver movement duties.

We decide - as I had first advised - to visit the Church of Barovia. Father Donnovich.

Church of the Morning Lord - Inviting to all new worshippers

On entering the church we approach The Father and a scream eminates from under the church floor. "Father I am starving!".

The Father admits that he has locked as he has been bitten by a Vampyre and he is praying for him.

What is it with this whole place and its children?

We understand that the son may have been turned into a vampyre spawn - a condition which may be curable.

I would argue that no undead should be suffered to exist, but it seems my compatriots are more Liberal than I and make promises to return to help. Should the creature cause harm to anyone in the meantime then I fear my time with them may come to an abrupt end. 

This whole place is dysfunctional. The Father of the only church in town has no worshippers, their leader is dead and no one lifts a finger to help even with his funeral. The shadow of Strahd or perhaps more precisely the Fear of Strahd, lies deep across this entire Valley!

I find it confusing that the letter we now believe to be from Strahd seems to be written to specifically dissuade us from entering Barovia. Yet the more we learn, the more we believe we have been brought here and are being manipulated and played with. Mayhap this Strahd is nothing more than a bored child seeking playthings?

Laslow further postulates that the letter seems to be manipulating us towards Ismark. Perhaps this man is in league with Strahd. We determine to buy provisions - particularly to aid Laslow in gaining a spell that might aid us and head to the village's only shop.

We offer the shopkeeper the various items and equipment that the rest of the group have looted from our journey so far. In the hope of raising funds. I find the whole process vulgar and depressing so stay out of it. The shop keeper has little to no stock and his prices are ten times the norm. He has nothing we need.

I offer my coin purse to Laslow. The coin has no value but what it can buy, and in this case knowledge and ability is of far greater worth than trinkets. I am unsurprised that none other in the group match my gesture.

We continue to the Burgomasters house stopping at Gertruda's residence to return Lancelot. Her mother, Mary, depressed and sad beyond merely being distraught, tells us that her daughter broke out of the house and ran away a week ago. Judging by her journal Gertruda has a teenage infatuation with Strahd. She Also has a doll that bears the same label as the doll of rheuban. It bears the label "Is no fun Is no Blinksy." 

In questioning Mary I notice that she has two child beds and ask her about her other child she seems confused. By the looks of the clothes and toys it would seem that the other child is a boy. 

The children in this world are doing nothing more than strengthening my resolve to celibacy.

Yet again we make the offer to help where no one else does. At this rate we shall be so distracted from our main cause we shall die in Barovia - most likely of old age.

As we make it to the Burgomaster's Manor the destruction wrought on it by the continued night attacks by packs of wolves is evident. The place is run down and decayed. The muddy grounds are covered in paw prints and the house shutters and doors are deeply clawed.

Ismark introduces us to Ireena and I am surprised to see she seems in good health yet was bitten by a vampyre some weeks ago.

It seems we have many questions...

Friday, December 11, 2020

VI - The Road to Vallaki

We find ourselves outside on the road Laslow says he knows the country and draws a map with as much accuracy and detail as a kindergartner with a wax crayon. We set off towards where Laslow vaguely suggests Vallaki might be.

Oddly in a moment or two we come across a child's toy lying in the ground. Its a cuddly lion with a wooden sword that looks like Reuben. It has a label that says "Is no Blinksy is no fun".

A mile or so down the road we come across three merchants - engaging them in conversation as the pale sun goes down they suddenly turn demonic and set upon us.

The stench of these creatures is nearly overwhelming. But it doesn't stop the Leonin from roaring as he charges in. A tussle ensues. I spear one of the creature and K'Hevin finishes it off. Elsewhere in the fight Cai takes a brutal blow and is down and Reuben has to break off from wildly swinging his glaive to lay on hands.

Laslow dances around in the rear of our group staying out of trouble and launching thunderous spells at them as Shoobie flits around the opponents distracting them.

I finish off the beast in front of me after K'Hevin slashed around recklessly with no effect. And turn to see the two other creatures overwhelming Cai. In a lucky move Cai smashes upwards with his mace and catches the creature under the chin and sends his head flying and Reuben piles into the remaining injured creature killing it easily.

Before the bodies have even finished twitching the mob of my current compatriots descend on them to loot their valuables.

The bodies are soon burnt. All the while a group of ravens sat in the trees watching us.

We travel further down the road towards Vallaki, and come to a traveller camp. It is the brightest and happiest thing I have seen since arriving in this accursed place. We are invited to share wine and join the festivities.

It appears that we have been led here under false pretences. Laslow it seems has been seeking us to gather us together. It appears that he is a member of a group called the Vistani who in ancient times were the in league with the Devil Strahd. The pact they have with him enables them to travel to and from barovia at will. A fact he has not shared with the rest of us despite our consternations at being trapped in this forsaken place!

Laslow further reveals that we are gathered to fulfill some ancient destiny to free the land from the grip of Strahd. A destiny that his grandmother now reveals to us through some common three-card magic trick masquerading as portents. I am deeply suspicious of Laslow. what else he neglected to tell us? Another one I need to keep an eye on.

Strahd it seems is a member of the unliving - a Vampyre. The commoners of Barovia are trapped here, most of them are merely shells without souls. Those with souls may not ever leave - if they die their souls are reborn in this hell hole. Some of them have sold themselves to the Amber Temple which allows them to transform into the kind of creature we encountered on the road.

Our destiny is foretold by cards. It seems we are seeking a Book, a broken Sword, and a divided Holy symbol.

The cards for the Sword pieces are: The Hooded One - A faceless god that waits for you at the end of a long and winding road deep in the mountains.
The Beggar - A wounded elf has what we seek, He will part with the treasure to see his fate fulfilled. (I think you will know this man - he has been here - Kasimir!)

The Cards for the Holy symbol are : Philanthopist - Look to a place where madness is bred and children once played. There you will find what you seek.
Master of coins - I see a nest of Raven - there you will find the prize.

The Tome has information on Strahd. The Illusionist - A Man is not what he seems , he comes in a carnival wagon - therein lies what you seek.

Strahd has Enemies - some of these enemies may help you.
Gost - a fallen paladin lingers like a ghost in a dead dragons lair - he will be a great ally.

For the final battle, you will meet Strahd where this card tells... The Broken One - he haunts the tomb of the man he envied above all.

It seems that the dog Lancelot belongs to Gertruda - from Barovia village.

V - The Wilderness Hours

 Dunno what happened here.